ATLANTA, Ga. (CBS46) — The 40-year-old actress, star of the new show Briarpatch, decided that 2020 would be the year that she cuts out smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol in her pursuit of a full body cleanse.
Dawson cited her father’s medical struggles with pancreatic cancer as a major factor in her decision, saying “I want to have as much clarity as possible and be very intentional about every day.”
During her father’s bout with cancer, Dawson found herself heavily focused on helping and supporting him, now realizing that she must also prioritize self-care.
From massages and skincare to plant-based dieting and dropping alcohol and marijuana, Dawson is ready to let personal health take center stage, while also vowing to take more time to slow down and appreciate life.
“So much of life has gone by so fast. But moments with my dad just, like a meal – are the most amazing thing,” she said. “I want to be present. It’s waking me up to really loving my life and therefore being okay with the good, bad, and ugly.”
She does make one concession in her newfound marijuana policy, stating that April of this year, 4/20, will be a special exception wherein she may partake in some CBD products.